By Ona Tasoin,

Leany Anggraini Adu or who is familiarly called Leany was born in Kupang, April 12, 1985. Leany is a graduate of English Study Program of University of Nusa Cendana (UNDANA). Leany is not married yet for she is busy in pursuing career as a trainer in TLM Foundation’s Home Industry program. Leany started to work at the TLM Foundation in 2011, in Transformation and Training Division, for the section of TLM Cooperative’s customers training at that time.

Leany said that at first, she was interested in joining and working with TLM Foundation besides wanting a career, she also shared knowledge as a teacher. With her experience of teaching at a Sunday school at his local church as well as his experience as a teacher in a compassion organization (PPA), she is confident that she can train in community empowerment programs, especially housewives.

When she joined TLM Foundation, Leany was also given a Training of Trainer (ToT) training for capacity building as well as adjustments from teaching children to training adults (housewives). She was also involved in home industry internship programs to food processing factories, business management training, entrepreneurship, financial management and even public service training (Customer Service Excellent). This is done by the TLM Foundation on a regular basis to prepare the training staff to be better prepared and able to train with the materials needed by the community.

In her service in the community as a Home Industry trainer, she needed to carry out stages such as; prepare materials according to training topics, training SOPs, handouts/modules, materials and tools for practice and etc.

The training topics also vary according to the group’s needs based on the results of a potential survey of both natural resource and human resource. As for the topics that have been trained such as; Training on fish processing (shredded fish, fish nuggets, smoked fish), training on sweet potato chips, pumpkin sticks, bananas, corn, moringa processing, meatball making, herbal medicine (jamu), coffee powder, red ginger powder, sewing training, furniture training/ carpentry, tire repair workshops, training on making souvenirs from shells, weaving training, barbershop training, beauty salon training and so on.

In addition, Leany also provides general knowledge training such as; Sanitation, human trafficking, balanced nutrition, reproductive health etc. Not only training, but she also provided business establishment assistance for those who wanted to start a new business after training and business management assistance for members who want to develop their current businesses.

Leany Adu admitted that she is now more confident in providing home industry training to adults after approximately 11 years of working as a trainer at TLM Foundation. Besides being confident, she is also more disciplined in doing everything, including when she is in the midst of her family. This happened because she was used to work according to the targets and SOPs given.

Leany admits that serving as a trainer is not easy. This is because she has to be away from her family and has to adapt to new environments she visits.

Leany added, there are many challenges that she often encounters in conducting Home Industry training, such as; The mindset of the trainees who often still depend on TLM staff where the average community has been patterned with assistance and aids, tends not to want to be an entrepreneur.

 “It often happens, we have given training, business capital assistance like materials and equipment and machines for production but it is not continued. Sometimes the materials we train are new to them and the surrounding community, so they find it difficult to sell their post-production products, this sometimes makes members lazy to continue their business,” said Leany.

However, Leany stated that she always provides follow-up assistance, both in person and by telephone, for members who wanted to consult on business development, and even help them to find a market for the group to sell their products.

In addition to marketing assistance, Leany also assists groups that are already producing regularly to obtain PIRT (Home Industry Food Permission) so that the product is easier to sell.

Although there are many things that make it difficult to work as Home Industry trainer, Leany said that she is proud and happy to be a trainer because she sees that being a trainer is a proof of TLM foundation’s concern for poor with their small businesses. With the positive changes that have occurred in society, Leany admits that being a trainer is a proud service when she is helping others through training and knowledge sharing.

Leany stated that the reasons she enjoyed being part of YTLM-GMIT as a trainer; “It’s great to see people who initially didn’t have a business, but after participating the training, they have the enthusiasm to build an independent business, and succeed in making a profit of up to IDR. 10 million per month, there is a special pride for me as a trainer.

In addition, I enjoy working at TLM because TLM has a clear career path. At TLM I was also taught to make rational and professional targets and work plans. Working at TLM is a tremendous blessing, not only for me personally but also for the community and my family.” Closed Leany.

A Sand Looter who becomes a Weaving Teacher

By Ona Tasoin,

Natalia Sedia (33 years old) is a wife and a mother of two from Likwatang village, Alor regency. Natalia was born in Manggarai regency on 24 December 1989.

As a housewife, Natalia who is often called Nelti should help his husband to support their children because her husband’s salary as a neighborhood head is not enough for their daily needs and to pay school tuition of their first kid. Nelti and her husband grow paddy, vegetables, corn and sweet potato as their daily food while to pay for the tuition and other necessities, Nelti and the husband have to collect sand from Likwatang beach to sell. They should do it for 1 week to get one set of sand worth Rp. 500.000 but sand selling does not always go smoothly, sometimes it does not sell at all in a whole month or even longer. This makes Nelti and huband need to think of another income alternative.

Nelti  is weaving a sarong ordered by a costumer

In February 2022, Nelti joined TLM Foundation-Formed Entrepreneurship group in Likwatang as a member. TLM Foundation through its entrepreneurship program conducted weaving training for group members, including Nelti.  For 5 days, Nelti was intensively taught on weaving. Aside from weaving training, Nelti and other members received in-kind support of weaving tools and equipment such weaving loom, thread, knife, raffia string etc for their first production. 

Nelti trains students how to wave  

Nelti’s weaving skill was noticed by principal of SMA Negri 1 Likwatang and later was  asked to become a weaving tutor for students at the school. 

In February 2023 Nelti has trained 34 students how to weave and she feels so proud that she can share her skill for young generation.

“I never imagined before that I can train people on how to weave. I could not weave at all. I was always confused how to earn money when the sand was unsold, but now I have weaving skill that can make money. Not only money, I feel so appreciated when the school asked me to become a weaving tutor, I’m so ecstatic seeing students are excited to learn weaving.”

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TLM Foundation Provides Health Aids for People with disability in Oebobo Village, TTS Regency

By Ona Tasoin,

TLM Foundation (Tanaoba Lais Manekat) GMIT handed over health aid to PWD in Oebobo village, Batu Putih sub-district, TTS.

The distribution of hearing aids for 15 PWD took place in Oebobo village office, Friday 19 May 2023.

CEO of TLM Foundation GMIT, Rozali, after the occasion explained that one of TLM Programs is to help community in 3 villages in Batu Putih, they are Oebobo, Benlutu and Tupan. 

 “Today we deliver aid for 15 PWD in form of hearing aid and mobility canes,” he said

From all the beneficiaries, Rozali said that there are schoold-age children who have not been able to go to school because they have hearing difficulty.

 “This also results in impaired ability to speak, earlier we have given hearing aids and it works well,” he added. 

Aside from that, Rozali also said that there are some women with hearing impairment but now they have the hearing aids that  help them hear better.

He said that to assist Oebobo, TLM also implement pig fattening program and other program such clean water infrastructure for about 150 households as beneficiary.

“Earlier we also shared the profit of pig-fattening. There 3 breeders and each of them gains Rp 2,4 million after raising the pic for 2,5 months,” said Rozali

In Oebobo, Rozali continued; there are 11 households involved in pig-fattening program.

 “TLM Foundation’s programs are developed to increase income which leads in stunting prevention, namely by pig-fattening in the shortest time possible and can provide profits. This is so whe do not have to wait for years.”

Rozali said that TLM’s Programs are in line with Government’s program in relation to stunting prevention

“We also provide training to form cadre, disaster management team and home industry training for housewives. In Batu Putih sub-district, we have 3 years projects. After 3 years, we will evaluate the growth of the village we have assisted, to see how it develops then we will make comparison. The evaluation is to see the growth of the program in the next 3 years.” Explained Rozali      

Rozali hopes that the aids will be indispendsable for the beneficiaries.

“We hope that the existing assistance can help children who have not had time to go to school because of their hearing impairments to finally be able to go to school. Also the availability of clean water infrastructure will help the surrounding community. Preveously, to fulfill their need of clean water, they had to walk 1 to 2 km.  Indeed there is a lot of water here but it is from river and and cannot be consumed. The clean water program helps them to get clean water. They do not have to pay around     Rp. 200.000 to get clean water. They just need to spend Rp. 25.000 for its maintenance,” Rozali explained 

“We also expect the stunting rate to decrease in the next 3 years,” He added  

Rozali pointed out that TLM Foundation is under auspice of GMIT in implementing church diaconia program. “but in the implementation of our programs, we do not limit it for GMIT community only, we serve everyone regardless their religion and etchnicity,” he said.

Meanwhile, Melki Selan, Assisten executor of Oebobo village secretary expressed his gratitude for the collaboration between village government and TLM Foundation.

“Today we receive assistance for disability; hearing aids and mobility canes. This is really invaluable. Based on my observation earlier, there are children with hearing impairment since birth and this affect their communication skill, but after receiving hearing aids they can hear very well,” he said

Melki said that village government really supports the kid to be able to go to school. For that reason, they will encourage his families to send him to school. 

 “hopefully with the hearing aids, his ability to hear is getting better and he will also get better in communication. We need to consider his education because he is 8,” explained Melki.   

“for that, Oebobo village government is so grateful to our partner TLM Foundation for assisting Oebobo village with so many supports such disability support and clean water pump program for 2 hamlets,” he added.

He said that this collaboration will continue for the next 3 years. “We will continue to collaborate to provide optimal attention for the community,” he stated.

Supporting Government to combat Stunting, TLM Foundation holds Launching and Training for Healthy and Disaster Resilient Village Cadres

By Ona Tasoin,

TLM Foundation held inauguration and training of healthy, prosperous and disaster-resilient village cadres.

The inauguration and training which took place in Benlutu village, Kayu Putih District, Wednesday, May 3rd 2023 was conducted to combat stunting cases which are still a main issue and need serious concern in TTS regency.

The executive Director of TLM Foundation GMIT on this occasion said that the collaboration between TLM Foundation and Benlutu village for the next 3 years will focus on stunting prevention and disaster countermeasure.

“We have been collaborating with Benlutu village government since couple years ago with programs such economy development, pig rising, productive garden and water infrastructure repairmen. However, for the next 3 years we will focus on current issues. In NTT, number of stunting is high and the highest cases happen in TTS. Disaster countermeasure also become our attention,” explained Rozali.

Regarding the stunting prevention, as explained by Rozali, his team will form cadres.

“Later on, we will educate young mother and pregnant mothers and young girls because the first 1.000 days of birth are really important. When the baby is still in the womb, it is necessary to get attention. Every pregnant mother should take vitamin and blood supplement tablets. For that, this socialization is for the mother and young girls. “, he explained.

Not only for pregnant mothers and young girls, Rozali said that TLM also train the elderly.

“We also provide training for elderly group. Next month we will select 5 technical cadres and then train them to add to existing cadres. The more people understand about health, the better,”  he said.

He said that NTT is also a disaster-prone are, so TLM provides training for cadres related to disaster management.

“for the next 3 years, TLM Foundation will work with village government to pay attention to the two main issues,” he said.

Regarding the programs explained by Rozali, some of the fund comes from Mr. Clinton from Amos Aid Australia.

“Hopefully this program is beneficial for all of us. Today is for health and blood check for pregnant women. We also provide aid packet for pregnant women,” he informed.

Meanwhile, transformation division head of TLM Foundation, Ferdy Frans explained that to launch these two strategies, his team has their own strategy.

“Our strategies are to form new cadres to support existing cadres in village. These cadres will work hard for community. For that, TLM Foundation give support like training for them,” explained Ferdy.

“As for stunting, we have several programs. The first is management of family’s healthy kitchen. Regarding this program, each household is expected to manage their land to grow productive plants that can be consumed daily,” Ferdy explained the program.

”then we will train community in each neighborhood association  for Swarga program (Standby Husband) so later the husband know what to do during pregnancy period of their wife, for example; regular health check and other important action,” he added.

Ferdy also said that TLM support village regulation to pay attention to stunting case.

 “We support village regulation to pay attention to stunting prevention. APB Desa should start to consider making program to increase community health.” explained Ferdy. Regarding disaster prevention, Ferdy and his team will do mapping of prone-disaster area.

“For disaster countermeasure, we will do mapping so the village government can mark the prone area. We will train them (the cadres) technically on first aid, disaster signs making, disaster stimulation, reforestation and waste management” said Ferdy.

“Those activities will be conducted for the next 3 years as of this year to 2025. We already signed the MoU with village government.” He added

For the mentioned program implementation, TLM Foundation will assign 3 staff in every village. Ferdy informed that the same activity will be implemented in Oebobo village on Thursday, May 4th 2023.

“In Oebobo, we will focus on disaster prevention. Tomorrow we will hold training for disaster management team, related to first aid. In this case, if someone get hurt, they will know what to do and other related activity. We chose Oebobo as village target because it is a disaster-prone area.” Ferdy explained.

Benlutu village chief, Obet Fallo, S,Sos in his speech expressed his gratitude to TLM Foundation for paying attention to Benlutu, “We want to express our gratitude for CEO of TLM Foundation who has great concern for people of Benlutu,’ he said.

He explained that the collaboration between TLM Foundation and Benlutu had been established for a long time

“This collaboration of TLM Foundation and Benlutu is not a recent thing; TLM has been assisting Benlutu since 2018. In 2018 TLM were already collaborated with Batu Putih sub-district and with us Benlutu. Benlutu has seen that TLM has helped us in so many aspects including community economy development, BUMDES (village-owned enterprise) and now they help us again for community health,” he explained.

“We also want to thank TLM for the pregnant woman health check today. We are thankful for the intervention in combatting stunting,” he said.

“In 2020, number of stunting in our village is the highest in Batu Putih sub-district. From total 47 stunted children, it had decreased to 18. With the help of TLM and also the village fund intervention, we hope that Benlutu can get out of this stunting problem. That is why we all have to work together,” he said.

“We are greatly helped by the help of TLM. We got milk, eggs and also medicine for pregnant mother. For us, this is a very positive activity. I also had my blood pressure and height checked,” explained Alfrida who is 7 months pregnant.

“The advice from the medical team is that I, as a pregnant mother continue getting myself checked regularly. This is to prevent children from stunting,” she said. “Thank you TLM and Regional Government. This type of activity is so beneficial for us the pregnant mother and the elderly,” said Alfrida.

TLM GMIT Foundation and Department of Agriculture of Alor Regency Harvest Industrial Corn in Kabola Sub-district.

By Ona Tasoin,

Growing industrial corn in the Kabola sub-district is an initiation of Tanaoba Lais Manekat GMIT Foundation (YTLM GMIT) to improve welfare of rural communities by utilizing the potential of unproductive land in the village.

Kopidil is one of 4 assisted villages of TLM GMIT Foundation in Kabola sub-district, Alor Regency where one of its assistance programs is Improving the economy of vulnerable community.  Therefore, since November 2022, TLM GMIT Foundation has been cooperating with Alor Regional Government through its Department of Agriculture to determine 4 locations in Kabola sub-district as location to implement the program.

In Kopidil, 2,5 acre of land has been utilized to grow industrial corn and the program involved 150 farmers of Kopidil.

The planting of industrial corn is implemented in TLM GMIT Foundation’s 2 assisted villages, Lawahing and Pante Deere and 1 urban village, Kabola. It is estimated that the yield from these 4 locations will reach 36 tons this season.

Yusuf Dopong Adora really appreciates TLM GMIT Foundation for initiating and providing assistance for this program from the start.  

 “Representing The Government of Alor Regency and village community, I want to show my gratitude for everything TLM Foundation has done. We are really thankful that TLM makes us realize that nothing is too hard in agriculture world.  So far, the community only grows corn for their daily consumption, so there is no increase in income from the corn harvest. Now the TLM Foundation has become our friend in advancing the world of agriculture, so I am optimistic that if this program continues and is even developed in other locations, the village community will also be more advanced,” said Yustus when opening the harvest event.

The same thing was conveyed by the Head of the Agricultural Extension Center of Kabola sub-district, Nehemia Aleng during the harvest. As an instructor, he hopes that this collaboration will continue for the welfare of farmers in Alor.

At the harvest event, YTLM representative, Ms. Martintje Djungu, head of the TLM Foundation HR division told the community to not to worry about crop yields piling up because YTLM is committed to buying all of the corn harvested from these 4 locations and then processing it into animal feed.

“We are elated to see such a good harvest. We believe that this is all because of the hard work of the farmers in planting and caring for these corn plants which produced quite a good harvest this year. For this reason, ladies and gentlemen, you don’t have to worry about where to sell this bounteous harvest, because TLM Foundation is committed to buying all of the existing corn crops. Incidentally, we need corn for animal feed processing.” Martintje also hopes that this will not be the last harvest but will be an encouragement for the farmers so that there will be other bigger and more bounteous harvests in the coming season.

From this “Cactus” I Send My Children to University

By Ona Tasoin,

Ephania Mbuik (54) a housewife Married to Absalom Mennoh and blessed with four children. Three boys and one girl.

With her family, Ephania lives in Kolobolon Village, Rote Ndao district, East Nusa Tenggara. Prior joined in TLM Foundation Productive Garden Program, Ephania helped her husband to manage their paddy field and from the annual crops, they sold rice to fulfill their daily needs.

But beside the harvest was only once a year, sometimes their paddy fields had crop failure. Ephania then decided to join TLM productive garden program. Ephania is grateful that since more eight years she attended TLM Foundation productive garden program, with other gardening group members, she got a lot of lessons through training and assistance how to grow various kinds of vegetables, beans, onions, cucumber and specially dragon fruits.

From gardening, Ephania is now able to generate income more than IDR.20.000.000,- from selling dragon fruits in one harvest season (December to May). Ephania could help her husband, Absalom to fulfil their daily needs, expand their kiosk business and moreover they can manage to send their three boys to the best universities in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province.

In addition, since Ephania grew vegetables by herself, she could save money because she doesn’t need to buy vegetable like she used to do. Ephania also does not need to go labor in paddy other paddy fields for additional money because she already has a permanent income source in the village.

She is thanking TLM Foundation for providing this opportunity for people like her to live independently in the village.

“I really thank TLM Foundation for introducing this “Cactus Plant” (Dragon fruit) to us. In the first and second year we planted 65 dragon fruits in the garden and in the forth year we expanded to 2 thousand dragon fruits and now in a season, each of us (28 members) we can generate income for more than IDR. 10.000.000,- I myself can get more than twenty million rupias. Praise the Lord, from this “cactus” I can send my children to higher level education with expensive tuition fees, more than five million rupias per semester. My husband and I, we had never imagined that we could give good education to our children. God is good.” Said Ephania.