Enonbuasa is a village in the Noebeba district of NTT. The main issues affecting this community are lack of clean water, high school drop out rates, and lack of economic opportunity. In this village, TLM Foundation has a client training program, a market garden project, and also a village partnership.
Village of Enonabuasa is located in Noebeba sub-district, Regency of South Central Timor. Established in 2015 with 8.700 acre of area. This village is directly adjacent to Oepliki village in the south, Pusu village in the north, Oebaki village in the east and Teas village and Oeekam village in the west.
Total population in Enonabuasa is 1.050 people (Male: 548 people & Females: 502 people), consist of 251 family heads. Enonabuasa current village head is Mr. Ayub Tse, the first village head since its establishment.
the name of Enonabuasa is originally from Timor Amanuban language “eno”, means “gate” and “Nabuasa” which is the great name of village headman (King of the village) so Enonabuasa means “a village that located in village gate of King Nabuasa. 96% of villagers in Enonabuasa are dry land farmers. To fulfill their annual food needs, they plant corn, nuts, pumpkin, and yams in the rainy season. Since cooperate with TLM in productive garden program to cultivate horticulture plants and Californian papaya organically, Enonabuasa started to become famous in South Central Timor for its sweet Californian papaya.
About Enonabuasa Village
Garden Water Supply Project
Productive garden water project procurement in Enonabuasa uses natural spring water that is located 20metre lower than productive garden area. To irrigate water from source to garden, TLM together with local people use generator set pump machine to ease and save energy in irrigating horticultural plants in productive garden.
The water infrastructure project covers :
All these intallation process involve local community (10 members of productive garden). This water infrastructure project can fulfill 0,3acre of productive garden water need.
Enonabuasa Productive Garden
TLM foundation through village facilitators invited Enonabuasa villagers to transform 30 acre of unproductive land to be additional income source.
Productive garden in Enonabuasa has 7 family heads as members (10 people). This garden began to be processed since 2014 by planting red onion, garlic, green beans, cos lettuce, water spinach, napa cabbage, chilli, sweet corn, california papaya. All the plants were planted organically making them safe to consume and good to sell.
Officials and Community Training on Village Establishment based on 2014 Village Law
On 2014, Government declared a policy to establish nation from village and it is followed up by the published of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014.
Villages are given autonomy to manage the establishment from planning to developing. Every year, Government provide village fund from APBN (Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget). The management of the budget is the responsibility of village officials and village community. TLM Foundation takes part to improve the capacity of the officials and the community to implement village establishment. The program is “Officials and Community Training about Village Establishment on the implementation of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014”.
TLM foundation through village facilitators invited Enonabuasa villagers to transform 30 acre of unproductive land to be additional income source. Productive garden in Enonabuasa has 7 family heads as members (10 people). This garden began to be processed since 2014 by planting red onion, garlic, green beans, cos lettuce, water spinach, napa cabbage, chilli, sweet corn, california papaya. All the plants were planted organically making them safe to consume and good to sell. [captio...
Read MoreProductive garden water project procurement in Enonabuasa uses natural spring water that is located 20metre lower than productive garden area. To irrigate water from source to garden, TLM together with local people use generator set pump machine to ease and save energy in irrigating horticultural plants in productive garden. The water infrastructure project covers : 1.Water motor pump (generator set) 2.HDPE pipe and plastic pipe 3.Fiber tank 4.Water tanks All these intallat...
Read MoreOn 2014, Government declared a policy to establish nation from village and it is followed up by the published of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014. Villages are given autonomy to manage the establishment from planning to developing. Every year, Government provide village fund from APBN (Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget). The management of the budget is the responsibility of village officials and village community. TLM Foundation takes part to improve the capacity of the officials and th...
Read MoreProductive garden water project procurement in Enonabuasa uses natural spring water that is located 20metre lower than productive garden area. To irrigate water from source to garden, TLM together with local people use generator set pump machine to ease and save energy in irrigating horticultural plants in productive garden. The water infrastructure project covers : 1.Water motor pump (generator set) 2.HDPE pipe and plastic pipe 3.Fiber tank 4.Water tanks All these intallat...
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of employed people work as farmers