Ngaru Kanoru Village

Ngarukanoru, an educated Village of TLM since Year of 2014 with following programs : Water project, Productive garden and Officials and Community Training on Village Establishment based on 2014 Village Law


The village of Ngarukanoru is located in Umalulu sub-district, East Sumba regency. Established since 2001 with 30.80 km2 of area. This village is directly adjacent to Hanggaroru village in the south, Umalulu village in the north, Tamburi village in the east and Paberi Manera in the west. The distance from Ngarukanoru to sub-district of Melolo is 23 km.

Total population in Ngarukanoru is 855 people (male: 425 people and female: 430 people), consists of 157 family heads that divided into 2 sub-villages, 4 hamlets and 8 neighborhoods. Current village head of Ngarukanoru is Mbulu Hamba Mangili, the fourth village head since its establishment.

The name of Ngarukanoru is originally from East Sumba language, “Ngaru” means “mouth” and “kanoru” means “sugar palm tree” with phylosophy “ a village in the valley that has gate with so many sugar palm trees. 99% of villagers are dry land farmers. They produce corn twice a year and it make Ngarukanori as one of local food sources in East Sumba.

Brief Information of Ngarukanoru

Productive Garden Water Project Procurement

The location of productive garden is higher than the location of spring. Therefore, to irrigate the water from spring to the garden, hydram technology is used under a consideration of low operation fund.

Installation steps of Hydram pump project :

  1. Measuring the distance between spring and productive garden
  2. Measuring the elevation from spring and productive garden
  3. Pump installation, pipe installation and water tanks making.

Hydram pump installation project was started shortly after learning all the steps above. All these process invlolve local community (12 members of productive garden). This hydram project can fulfill 0,5 acre of productive garden need. Aside from productive garden. TLM foundation also helps an Catholic primary school in Ngarukanoru by irrigate water to its garden.

Productive Garden

TLM foundation invited local community to transform 0.5 acre unproductive land into productive garden to be an additional income source for them as well as an sample for Nagarukanoru community.

Productive garden in Ngarukanoru was named “Mondu Lambi” which means “fertile land” and has 9 family heads as members at the beginning but now there are only 5 family (10 people).

The productive garden begun to be processed since 2015 by planting onions, garlic, green beans, yardlong beans, cos lettuce, water spinach, chili, eggplant, cabbage and broccoli. They also raise some fruit plants like dragon fruits, Californian papaya and lady finger banana. All the plant were planted organically making them are safe to consume and good to sell.

Officials and Community Training on Village Establishment based on 2014 Village Law

On 2015, Government declared a policy to establish nation from village and it is followed up by the published of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014.

Villages are given autonomy to manage the establishment from planning to developing. Every year, Government provide village fund from APBN (Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget). The management of the budget is the responsibility of village officials and village community. TLM Foundation takes part to improve the capacity of the officials and the community to implement village establishment.

The program is “Officials and Community Training about Village Establishment on the implementation of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014”.


Productive Garden Water Project Procurement

The location of productive garden is higher than the location of spring. Therefore, to irrigate the water from spring to the garden, hydram technology is used under a consideration of low operation fund. Installation steps of Hydram pump project;

  1. Measuring the distance between spring and productive garden.
  2. Measuring the elevation from spring and productive garden
  3. Pump installation, pipe installation and water tanks making.
Hydram pump...

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Officials and Community Training on Village Establishment based on 2014 Village Law

On 2015, Government declared a policy to establish nation from village and it is followed up by the published of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014. Villages are given autonomy to manage the establishment from planning to developing. Every year, Government provide village fund from APBN (Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget). The management of the budget is the responsibility of village officials and village community. TLM Foundation takes part to improve the capacity of the officials and the...

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Productive Garden

TLM foundation invited local community to transform 0.5 acre unproductive land into productive garden to be an additional income source for them as well as an sample for Nagarukanoru community. Productive garden in Ngarukanoru was named “Mondu Lambi” which means “fertile land” and has 9 family heads as members at the beginning but now there are only 5 family (10 people) The productive garden begun to be processed since 2015 by planting onions, garlic, green beans, yardlong beans...

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