Oelbubuk Village

Oelbubuk is the Assisted Village of TLMF since 2020 with the following program: Productive Garden, BUMDES assistance, Home Industry and The village official and community training about Village Law 2014


Oelbubuk village is located in Middle Molo, Timor South East District, established since 1980 with area 16,83 km2. This village is directly adjacent to Binaus Village in the South, Netpala village in the North, Eonbesi Village, Oel Ekam and Kualeu in the east and in the west bordering Nekemunifeto Village. The distance from Oelbubuk village to Soe, TTS Regency is ± 12 km.

The number of population in the village is 2,021 people (1,017 male and 1,004 female) consists of 470 families, who live spread in 4 sub-villages. The Oelbubuk village is now led by Soleman Na’u, S.Sos, he is the 7th village head since it was established and has been twice elected as the village head until 2022.

Oelbubuk village was established in 1948 with the status of "Temukung/ Lieutenant", then became definitive in the 60s.

Until now around 90% community are dry land and horticulture farmers, while 10% are wet farmers and raise livestock, produce corn, rice and vegetables as well as other local food for consumption or sale at local market in Kapan and local market even sell them to Kupang District

This village is quite famous as a Soe tangerine-producing village where in the Oelbubuk village area most of the people plant these trees. This village is also a tourist location with beautiful natural scenery so that it becomes a photo spot and enjoys the sunset for local and foreign tourists.

Overview of Oelbubuk

Gerbang Desa Oelbubuk Akses Jalan Desa Oelbubuk kantor desa Pustu Oelbubuk kebun tradisional gereja katolik Fasilitas Pendidikan desa Oelbubuk Lokasi panorama di desa Oelbubuk Alat transportasi Desa Oelbubuk Kebun Jeruk Keprok di Desa Oelbubuk Fasilitas Olah Raga Fasilitas air minum desa Oelbubuk

The Productive Garden

Since January 2020, TLM Foundation – GMIT as one of community empowerment organization who have the community economy improvement program, through its staff conducted survey at the villages that will become assisted villages.

Based on the result of survey and agreement with the Village Official and local community, it was decided to make Oelbubuk village as one of assisted village through the programs such as productive garden, home industry training, assistance in the application of village law no. 6 of 2014 and BUMDES assistance.

Kebun Produktif

Village facilitator of TLMF is now with the village government to form the farmer group, survey unproductive land to be managed as productive garden. The village head and community agreed that TLMF assists one farmer group by utilizing an area of 50 acres (0.5ha) to be processed by the Tafena Monit farmer group with 9 families (17 people)

This garden began to be planted with various horticulture plants such as tomatoes, chilies, mustards, kale, spinach, long beans, bitter melon, cabbage and cucumbers. In addition, there are also betel cultivated as long lived plants.

In order to support seedling in the garden the government collaborate with TLM Foundation to help by developing a green house to protect the process of seedling from excessive sun or rain.

The distance between garden and water source are quite far so the village government collaborated with TLM Foundation to help facilitate hydram pump installment.

Pertemuan Yayasan TLM dan Pemerintah Desa Oelbubuk Lokasi Kebun Produktif Oelbubuk Persiapan lahan dan pembuatan ajir Pembangunan Rumah Semai di Oelbubuk Pembibitan dan persiapan pupuk organik Aktifitas anggota kebun Oelbubuk

Training of Home Industry

Oelbubuk is one of the villages in Timor South Center District with quite a lot of crops such as pumpkins, tubers, nuts, bananas and fruits.

However, the community has difficulty in selling seasonal and simultaneous harvests due to frequent accumulations.

In addition to the harvest, there are woven groups that are less than optimal in marketing their woven products

In 2020, the government of Oelbubuk village committed to collaborate with TLM Foundation to be assisted in planning assistance and training for Home Industry.

Based on the survey result of TLMF training staff the government of Oelbubuk village formed 2 groups of home industry, which is the new Bina group is engaged in processing crops, while the Young Women group is engaged in making souvenirs from woven fabrics

TLM Foundation facilitated the Bina Baru group with the tools to produce pumpkins stick, sweet potatoes stick, banana, sweet potato chips, etc that are more economical and easy to be sold.

While Remaja Putri group was trained by a professional trainer in making accessories by using woven fabric from Oelbubuk village to be sold as souvenir in Kilo 12 as tourist sites.

Proses Pembuatan Stik Labu, Ubi Ungu dan Keripik Pembuatan Stik Labu, Ubi Ungu dan Keripik Pembuatan Stik Labu, Ubi Ungu dan Keripik Tim Pelatih IRT Yayasan TLM Proses Pelatihan dan pembuatan Souvenir Hasil Produksi IRT Oelbubuk

The training of apparatus and community about build the village according to Village Law No.6, 2014

In addition to the water project and productive garden in Oelbubuk village, TLM Foundation also sent a training staff to provide assistance/ training of apparatus and community on the implementation of the village law No 6, 2014

PThis program includes some activities such as :

  1. Assistance to the village official in drafting RKPDes and RPJMDes
  2. Assistance to the village official in determining Perdes Authority
  3. PAssistance to the village official and community in developing ADART of BUMDES establishment

This program has been conducted since January 2019 and it will be continued conducted intensively so the implementation of Village Law No 6, 2014 can be done properly.

Pertemuan dengan masyarakat desa Oelbubuk Kegiatan pelatihan UUDesa tingkat Dusun Desa Oelbubuk Kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan BUMDES Desa Oelbubuk Pendampingan apparat desa dalam pembuatan RKPDes dan RPJMDes