Sahraen Village

Sahraen, An Educated Village of TLM since Year of 2016 with following programs : Productive Garden, Productive Garden water infrastructure and Officials and Community Training on Village Establishment based on 2014 Village Law.


Sahraen village is located in South Amarasi sub-district, Kupang regency, establised since 1968 with 38.091 m2 area. Sahraen is directly adjacent to Hindia ocean in the south, Tobaun village in the north, Retraen village in the east and Erbaun village, sub-district of west Amarasi in the west.

Total population of Sahraen is 1.989 people (Male: 970 & female: 1019), consists of 573 family heads. Current village head of Sahraen is Mr. Kefas B.S.F Runesi, the tenth village head since the establishment of Sahraen.

The name of Sahraen is originally from Timor language, “sah” means Batu Asah (grindstone) and “raen” which means name of a race/kefetoran (kingdom territory division) with a philosophy “Buraen area in the edge of sea with one of the stone that previously used as grindstone”. 90% of villagers are farmers and breeders. Sahraen is famous for its cattle farm, banana commodity, and coconut commudity in Kupang regency.

Brief Information of Sahraen

Productive Garden

TLM foundation invited Sahraen community to transform 40m x 150m unproductive land into productive garden as source of additional income.

Productive garden in Sahraen is named “Niu Kore” which means “asam pendek/short tamarind tree”, with 10 family heads as members (38 people). This garden began to be processed since 2017 by planting red onions, cos lettuce, water spinach, spinach and chili.

All the plants were planted organically making them safe to consume and good to sell. The garden members has already harvested their yields. They now can enjoy organic vegetables, especially red onions. Members have produced 1.350 kg gross of red onion that are ready to sell.

Productive Garden Water Project Procurement

The location of productive garden is 400m lower that water source. So, to irrigate water from source to the garden, TLM foundation and productive garden members use gravitate system. TLM provides pipe (HDPE) and several water tanks in garden area. This system will save operational fee.

Installation steps of pipe and water tanks :

  1. Measuring the distance between spring source and productive garden
  2. Water need volume
  3. Making of 2 water tanks.

This project is really helpful to water horticultural plants in productive garden so the members do not need to walk for miles to get water.

Officials and Community Training on Village Establishment based on 2014 Village Law.

On 2014, Government declared a policy to establish nation from village and it is followed up by the published of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014.

Villages are given autonomy to manage the establishment from planning to developing. Every year, Government provide village fund from APBN (Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget). The management of the budget is the responsibility of village officials and village community. TLM Foundation takes part to improve the capacity of the officials and the community to. The program is “Officials and Community Training about Village Establishment on the implementation of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014”.


Productive Garden

TLM foundation invited Sahraen community to transform 40m x 150m unproductive land into productive garden as source of additional income. Productive garden in Sahraen is named “Niu Kore” which means “asam pendek/short tamarind tree”, with 10 family heads as members (38 people). This garden began to be processed since 2017 by planting red onions, cos lettuce, water spinach, spinach and chili. All the plants were planted organically making them safe to consume and good to sell. The ga...

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Productive Garden Water Project Procurement

The location of productive garden is 400m lower that water source. So, to irrigate water from source to the garden, TLM foundation and productive garden members use gravitate system. TLM provides pipe (HDPE) and several water tanks in garden area. This system will save operational fee. Installation steps of pipe and water tanks; 1.Measuring the distance between spring source and productive garden. 2.Water need volume 3.Making of 2 water tanks. This project is really helpful to wat...

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Officials and Community Training on Village Establishment based on 2014 Village Law

On 2014, Government declared a policy to establish nation from village and it is followed up by the published of Village Law Number 6 Year 2014. Villages are given autonomy to manage the establishment from planning to developing. Every year, Government provide village fund from APBN (Regional Revenues and Expenditures Budget). The management of the budget is the responsibility of village officials and village community. TLM Foundation takes part to improve the capacity of the officials and the ...

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