
TLM Foundation is committed to serving small and medium-sized groups through community economic development programs by providing business capital to them so they can start and grow their business. The grant is run through the TLM business unit, namely KSP TLM and BPR TLM with micro credit and savings programs.

KSP TLM serves community loans through the “SeSama” group (perSekutuan uSaha bersaMa), a group of women. By 2017, the number of SeSama members reaches 70,000 women with a portfolio of Rp 73,544,285,341 served through 33 branches. 31 offices are located in NTT, 1 in Palu-Central Sulawesi and 1 in Buleleng-Bali. The types of businesses served are farming, livestock, kiosk, handicraft, home industry and small traders in the market managed by women.

While BPR through loan and savings program, only serve in Kupang and Kupang regencies with individual loan products and savings. In 2017, the number of customers reaches 1746 active clients with a portfolio of Rp 161,254,957,957