In September 2024, 5 TLM Foundation assisted villages namely Oebobo village in TTS, Kopidil, Lawahing, Pante Deere and Alila Timur villages in Alor declared themselves as Ibulita Villages, Resilient Mother and Toddler Villages.
Ibulita Villageis a program launched by TLM Foundation aimed at supporting 10 villages: Oebobo and Benlutu in TTS; Suelain, Helebeik, Kuli and Kuli Aisele in Rote and Lawahin, Kopidil, Pante Deere and Alila Timur in Alor. These villages have benefited from intensive assistance over 3 years through the Fulfillment of Maternal Health and Child Nutrition Service Rights program to Prevent Stunting and Maternal Mortality Risk.
This declaration represents a pledge from both the village government and the community to foster an environment that promotes the health and well-being of mothers and toddlers. This will be achieved by enhancing health services at the village level and raising public awareness about the significance of independent and sustainable sanitation practices. The goal is to establish a model village that can inspire other villages.
After three years of support, it is inspiring to witness the progress in both the village government and the community. Through Kader Desa Sehat/Healthy village cadres, the community has successfully identified health issues and proposed programs to the village government, which has allocated funds to improve health services for pregnant women and children. As a result, the 5 villages have proudly declared themselves as Resilient Mother and Toddles Villages.
The dedication of both the Government and the village community to transform their village into an Ibulita Village was embodied by several key figures: Chair of the Village Consultative Body (BPD), Chair of Family Health Empowerment (PKK), Chair of The Community Empowerment Agency (LPM)m Chair of Church Congregation Assembly and Head of Community Head Center and Branch Heads of TLM Foundation.