
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much"


Opportunity International is working to end global poverty by creating/sustaining 20 million jobs by 2020. They believe that enabling individuals to create dignified and sustainable work is the foundation for transforming their lives, their children's futures and their communities. Opportunity International was founded in 1971 by two visionary leaders who were inspired to take action by their experiences with people living in extreme poverty. Opportunity International Deutschland has been partnering with TLM for 7 years. In 2013, OID funded the establishment of TLM Saving and Loan Cooperative branch office in Palu-Center of Sulawesi. In February 2014, OID has donated IDR. 667.069.200 for Palu branch office operational budget.


Amos Aid is a Christian, field-led, primarily projects-based community development organisation. Amos Aid has a holistic approach that considers all aspects of community life and perspective, encompassing the physical and spiritual needs of those they serve. Amos Aid partners with local like-minded organisations (wherever possible) and always seeks to employ and empower local communities. Amos Aid believes advocacy is one of the greatest means of sustainability for any project, and seeks to encourage local authorities to provide appropriate support and care to those under their jurisdiction before undertaking new projects in that region. Amos Aid has been partnering with TLM since 2016 by funding several programs of TLM such as Mentoring and Training of Village Law Implementation in Rote area, The Forming of Village Communication Forum with 300 villages in NTT province as members and WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene). Amos Aid also provides budget support to pay the salary of water staff.


Uniting World connects people and church communities in Australia, the Pacific, Asia and Africa to partner in God’s mission: overcoming poverty and enabling discipleship and faith-filled action. Uniting World is an agency of the National Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia. With a shared history of nearly 200 years, their goal is to see lives changed both in Australia and internationally. Uniting world has been partnering with TLM since 2006 funding some of TLM programs like Community Development, Education Loan, Disability, Clients Training, Community Training, Staff Training and Uniting world also helps in funding the opening of TLM Saving and loan cooperative branch in Bali.


Sanggar Suara Perempuan (YSSP) is a Non profit organization in Soe-TTS, in a form of foundation that commits to serve, mediate, facilitate, assist dan organize woman and children who are the victims of violence and to empower marginal groups in NTT YTLM has been collaborating with YSPP in implementing Farmers Empowerment program sine 2023. The program started with Corn Cultivation, YTLM's product marketing (fresh pork) and will be continued with other programs as needed.


KOPPESDA is a non-profit organization in Waingapu-Sumba Timur that focuses on community development through natural resource management. YTLM started to collaborate with KOPPESDA in 2022 in the development of KOPPESD A and Stunting Prevention and Intervention in KOPPESDA service area (Pambotandjara village-East Sumba).


JKLPK is a non-governmental consortium consists of Christian Service Institutions from all over Indonesia. In 2023, TLM Foundation mediated collaborative programs in NTT area where there are 16 Christian service institutions and among them actively partnering with TLMF in community development programs such Clean Water Procurement, Environmental Issue, Violence Against Women and Children, Food Security and Vulnerable Economic Groups Empowerment. In this partnership, TLMF initiated consortium proposal on the issues to be implemented in NTT.