“History is who we are and why we are the way we are.”
Tanaoba Lais Manekat (TLM) is a non-profit organization established by the Evangelical Church in Timor on 1 November 1994. The name is taken from the Dawanese language of Timor and literally means 'to practice love.' Tana'oba Lais Manekat is also adopted as TLM's motto, "Serving with Love", with first Board Composition as follows; Mr. Wem Nunuhitu as the Chief, Mr. Marthen Mogila'a as the Secretary, with 4 other members, they were; Mr. Filmon B. Koenunu, Ps. Itja Frans, Mrs. Suzana Arnoldus-Hermanus and Mrs. Ezy Therik.
Occupying a church-owned building in Soekarno Street Number 14, LLBK, Municipal of Kupang, TLM Foundation started its operation in January 1995 led by Mr. Rozali Husein and Mrs. Semaya Nalle with a work program to provide capital to congregation to develop their business. At that time, the products were carried in form of soft loan for individual and group.
The community served by GMIT is still struggling with the reality of poverty that leads to malnutrition, stunting, high maternal and infant mortality rates, human trafficking, clean water, low quality of education, and so forth. To overcome these problems, GMIT established TLM to empower the poor, weak, and marginalized.
At the beginning of its ministry, TLM provided small businesses, such as vegetable sellers, fishmongers, and other traders in traditional markets around Kupang City, with access to microfinance. The program proliferated, and by the decision of the board and the GMIT Synod Assembly, the Talenta Multipurpose Cooperative was established on 28 June 1996 to provide savings and loan services.
In 2008, TLM established TLM Rural Bank (BPR) to serve a wider market segment. The Rural Bank of TLM aims to provide financial services to the community, especially GMIT congregations who are in need of medium-sized business capital but do not have access to government or private banks due to income and collateral constraints. Presently, TLM Rural Bank and the cash office are operating in Kupang City, and its 2 branch offices are operating in Kupang Regency and Rote Ndao Regency.
To comply with Foundation Law No. 16 of 2021, which regulates the Foundation's activities, TLM Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU) was established in 2011. YTLM transferred its microfinance program to be implemented by TLM Multipurpose Cooperative. As of quarter 3 2024, it has served the community through 43 branches spread across 5 provinces, including NTT, NTB, Bali, Central Sulawesi, and West Sulawesi.
In addition to BPR and KSU, the Foundation also established a consumer cooperative in 2013 to serve the community in the provision of goods and services. Currently, Consumer Cooperative has 1 head office in Kupang City and 9 branches located in Kupang City, Kupang Regency, TTS Regency, and Belu Regency.
The establishment of TLM business units is intended to improve the community's economy and support the self-sufficiency of the Foundation's operational costs sourced from dividends and SHU.
Since 2024, the Foundation, through its branch offices in Alor, TTS, Rote, and Kupang Regency, has carried out social empowerment and community economic empowerment activities through the maternal, child, and adolescent health programs, disaster risk reduction, community economic empowerment, clean water infrastructure, disabled empowerment, and many others.
All this business units share profits in form of dividend to TLM Foundation to cover operational budget and social service in agriculture field, clean water project, village advocacy, community training, client training, education scholarship, and disability mentoring.