In rural Nusa Tenggara Timor, access to water is a major issue. In many of TLM's villages, people must walk for many hours each day to collect water from natural sources, such as springs and rivers. This water is often unclean and can harbour disease. The TLM Foundation has a number of projects that aim to improve clean water infrastructure and improve the lives of people in the village.
Water is a natural resource that is very useful and most potential in human's lives and other organisms so that it can be said that water is the source of life on earth, where the need for water continues to increase over time.
This is not only caused by population growth factors, but also water is used in industrial and agricultural activities.
East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province is well-known as a province that often experiences the lack of clean water to meet the needs of urban settlements, livestock and agriculture. The availability of water is one of the important factors for economic growth and improving the welfare of the people in NTT province.
According to the Water Crisis Analysis by WALHI NTT, which is based on the Power of attorney, Governance, Production Management and Consumption, found that 70 percent of NTT area experienced a water crisis.
TLM Foundation as a community partner in improving lives, tries to help to create / increase the income of poor people living in rural areas of NTT by utilizing the potential that exists in the village involved in addressing their problems with water, both clean water and water as their support in farming.
Since 2008, until now TLM foundation has been running water supply programs for the community, both clean water and water for agriculture.
Clean Water for the poor who have difficulties in obtaining water because of the factor of the distance of the house to the water resource or the unavailable of clean water sources. This project is followed by WASH training.
And the Water for Agriculture is an attempt to use or utilize water sources in the assisted villages (river, springs or reservoirs) to be channeled to agricultural land using hydraulic-ram, electric pumps or utilizing the gravity system