Nonohonis Laying Hen Farm

October, 01 2024

Around 70% of the egg supply in Kupang and surrounding areas is imported from outside NTT. Kupang City's egg production is not sufficient to meet the egg demand of Kupang City and surrounding areas.


The TLM Foundation viewed this as an opportunity for business diversification from the Kebun Nonohonis agricultural unit to integrated farming, where the demand for organic fertilizer is significant, rendering integrated farming an efficient approach. Moreover, egg-laying chicken farming is regarded as highly profitable, thereby supporting the social and economic empowerment initiatives of the TLM Foundation in the TTS region.

Nonohonis laying hen farm was established in February 2022, starting its operations with a flock of 2,000 hens.This egg-laying chicken farming venture is managed by Defrid Banu, along with a dedicated barn staff, and is monitored by a veterinarian to ensure compliance with livestock and animal health standards.

At present, Nonohonis Integrated Farming manages three laying hen houses, accommodating a total of 7,302 chickens that produce around 5,000 eggs daily to meet the increasing market demand. Nonohonis laying hen farm serves as a key supplier of chicken eggs for Soe and its neighboring regions.

The Nonohonis laying hen farm is a main supplier of chicken eggs for Soe and its surrounding areas.

The benefit of this initiative is to establish Nonohonis Integrated Farming as a financially self-sufficient business unit capable of covering 100% of its operational expenses and employee salaries.

Nonohonis's egg-laying chicken farm has evolved into a training facility for animal husbandry for students from Soe its neighboring areas. This farm is also open as a place of learning for individuals and institutions who are interested in developing egg farming business.

In 2024, TLM Foundation partnered with Plan International Indonesia Foundation on the Youth-led Agrifood program to empower youth groups in 5 villages in TTS. As part of this initiative, 80 young people from the 5 villages participated in an internship at Nonohonis Laying Hens Farm, where they gained valuable skill in OP cultivation, chicken health management and marketing and financial recording.